Saturday, November 15, 2014


                                               FILM PITCH


A miner part of a supernatural group born with a special hourglass mark that notifies them when they have to accomplish their life goal using there powers, finds a substance that affects his mark and ends up affecting his life mission...saving  a military commanders life before the earth falls into galactic despair. This is his story.


The films genre is a Sci-Fi Adventure Thriller.


The film is a cross between "I am number four" and "In Time"


The target audience of this film would be 15-25 core film-goers.


Gregory Phillips is no ordinary miner he is a hourglass. He is part of a group of supernatural species whose sole purpose is to the keep the luck imbalances aligned by saving peoples lives. One day when he is mining he finds a glowing blue gem that effects his hourglass through this he is unable to save his chosen human. Unknowingly, he ends throwing the universe into a galactic civil war. Only him and his numeral cracker can stop everything from going out of control.


For many years there have always been special ones, these special ones kept the universe and it inhibitors safe. These ones are called the Hourglass. In the year 2056 their world is in crisis wars are raging day by day the financial centres are collapsing, but there is one noble miner Gregory Phillips the last hourglass active. One fateful day, in the mining town of misitopia in the state of Mississippi Gregory is innocently mining when he finds a azure glowing stone.

Little did he know that it was Ermenion, a ancient time stone which specifically affects hourglasses. In a matter of hours of him being around him his hourglass stops. A day later his chosen one (the person he's meant to save) needs his help- but Gregory has no signal and is drained of his power due to the Ermenion. Little does he know that his chosen one is the head of a military operation to fend of galactic crooks.

Gregory and his friend a numeral cracker (a person who see's numbers of objects) embark on a journey to stop the galaxy being thrown into a civil war. All of this leads up to past and future hourglass, joining together to keep the luck stars aligned.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


                          FILM POSTER AND ANALYSIS

-The central image of the slave "Solomon Northup" running away suggests to the audience that he is running away from some sort of trouble,this will entice the audience as they would want to find out what he is running from. Also the way that he is behind the whole title of "12 years a slave" suggest. that he is slowly progressing away from slavery.

-The tittle "12 years a slave" is constructed in a inventive way. The "12" from "12 years a slave" is hand written, this is effective because it shows that he is writing it and that the 12 years were taken away from him, 12 years that he will never get back. This will appeal to the audience as it seems as if he is personally addressing them. Also, the way that the rest of the title is typed up shows that the later of his life was him becoming a object, no longer valued as he is a slave.

-The actor on the poster is not a well known actor,this could have been a set back for the production company as they would not have had an assured audience. However the young and new actor may draw in a audience of people looking to see if he was a good actor.

                                               FILM TRAILER KEY CONVENTIONS

-The crescendo of the non-diegetic music in the trailer evokes a tense and moving atmosphere about it, and the slave singing the freedom song also portrays despair and struggle of the slaves and as it drastically changes to a uplifting orchestra ensemble. This suggests to the audience that the movie is touching and eye opening and gives them a aspect into what slave life was like, this would attract them as audience of biopic dramas would want uplifting and eye opening aspects in a movie

-The on screen text "based on a extraordinary true story" grabs the attention of the audience as fans of drama would want to see something that is true and accurate so they can relate and understand that it is not fake. This is suggests to the audience that the film will be relatable and understable and from a personal point of view. Also this will draw in a audience as it makes the audience feel as if they are with him.

-The way that the jump cuts of the trailer are jam packed and contain a storyline of its own give the audience an idea of what the film is like, in the trailer it shows how his life was turn upside down and how he was betrayed already through this it not only gives the audience a taster of what the film is like but makes them feel as if they already have a background of solomon and now a bit about him.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Film Institution: 12 Years A Slave

Film Institution: 12 Years A Slave

Your chosen movie
1) What film have you chosen? 
12 Years A Slave2) Why did you choose this film in particular
I choose this film because it has a strong background of success and strong features to analyse

Institutional background
1) What was the film studio or production company behind your chosen film? E.g. Warner Brothers, Paramount etc.

2) Who was the distributor for the theatrical release of the film in the UK?
Entertainment One (2014) (UK) (theatrical)

No brand loyalty

1) What genre does your chosen film fit into?
Biopic Drama2) How can you tell it fits that genre? Be specific with reference to the trailer.
You can tell that this fits with the genre as the trailer is situated in the past and the figure being played is of historical importance. Also the seriousness of it portrays drama. 3) Is your chosen movie a sequel?No, the movie is not a sequel3a) If Yes, how does the film use the original movie or franchise as part of its marketing? 
N/A3b) If No, are previous films by the writer, director or star mentioned in the trailer? No, as most of the of the actors are relatively new and the directors past movies are not mentioned but he is said to be critically acclaimed

It’s all a matter of timing
1) What was the UK release date for your chosen film?
10th January 20132) When did the first trailer appear on YouTube for your movie? Find the earliest example you can and embed it in your blog.
This film trailer was released in July 15 2013

3) What other examples of marketing (teaser trailers, main trailers, newspaper or TV interviews etc.) can you find for your chosen film from before the film’s release date?

It’s a social thing
1) What was the word-of-mouth like for your chosen film? If you can’t find tweets (probably blocked) use the IMDB user review rating or the Rotten Tomatoes Tomato-meter rating to judge whether the public have given the movie a good review.
On IMBD the film is rated 8.5 and said to portray and give out a good message with the storyline but some say that it could have been much better if McQueen could have changed the plot.
2) Find three quotes (no more than 25 words each) from user reviews of your movie to create a picture of what the public reaction to the film has been. Post them on your blog.
"But otherwise, 12 Years a Slave is an absolute triumph. It is literal, clear, simple even, in the best sense. It shows you the book; it finds the images that it demands." -Evening Standard
"12 Years A Slave is entirely successful – it is a sober, non-judgmental study that does not preach to audiences." -Uncut
"12 Years does not care to showboat; its defining quality is rigour, which it needs to convey real pain. Its formalism is directed at an emotional truth, one that resonates because McQueen is committed to it unflinchingly. This is Solomon Northup’s story. But in its conviction and style, this is very much Steve McQueen’s film."-Sight&Sound Magazine

Risky business
Use IMDB to find out the box office records for your chosen film. Find your film, click on Company Credits and then Box Office/Business.

1) What was the original budget for your chosen film?

$20 Million 
2) How much money did the film make in the opening weekend?

$30 Million
3) How much money has the film made in total? (Look for the subheading ‘Gross’ which has the total box-office earnings listed).
$187 Million

Stars in their eyes
Research the stars and director for your chosen film.

1) What films has the director previously directed? Are they in the same or similar genres?
Steve McQueen is well known for "SHAME"  a Erotic Drama and "HUNGER" a Biographic Drama like 12 years a slave. This director is well known for dramas
2) Who is the main star in the film?
Chiwetel Ejiofor3) What other films has the main star appeared in? Are any of the films similar to the one you are researching?
The main star is not featured in Love acctually a Romantic Comedy and "American Gangster" a Drama Thriller similar to 12 years a slave.4) Are the stars or the director or writer mentioned in the trailer for the film?
The Director is mentioned as critically acclaimed

Genre and NCIS


Action Comedy

The storyline is based around a awkward wannabe cop who is engaged to a cops sister. He wants to learn from his fiancée brother so he takes him under his wing for a day which leads to all types of disaster. but through all of this they are drawn closer together and the hesitant brother realises that he may be the one for his sister. this has particularly gained an audience due to the performance of two big comedy stars.

The characters of this film are two strong male comedians who are known for their work in yearly comedy's like this-the father figure role is played by ice cube, who is well known typecast for protective father role figure plays the fiancée brother. Kevin Hart plays the awkward clumsy boyfriend is the typical "i want to prove myself" character who he is also well known for playing.

In this film there is a clash of iconography as it is a mix genre of action and comedy which are purposely made to collide. there are strong action iconography like a car chase, warehouse scene and and a gun scene. but these clash as they are ruined by over confidence of the wannabe cop with things like giving away the plan overreacting and embarrassing phone calls.

It does not have a strong central plot but most of the scenes are situated in the city of police on patrol. it has a high school, the couples house, and police HQ but most of the action and plot twists happen while they are on patrol.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


Learner response

change colour of the title to match Xbox controller.
make a tighter title but make sure its clear about central controller
tidy competition banner

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

typograpy and graphic identity task



my graphic identity was a multimedia company who helped with raves and concerts etc.
the X stands for going the extra mile and that's what they do. I did not get to finish it completely due to time restraints. I feel I could have done a lot better but I have improved my Photoshop abilities.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Minority report shot by shot analysis


The medium shot (MS) establishes the emotion of the police,it mainly used to show the emotions of the lead cop but also of the other cops. this is used to show that they will follow their leader and are confident this helps the audience to understand the position of the police.

The long shot (LS) is used to help establish the movement of the car and what is happening and nicely accompanies the dolly camera movement. the way most of the image is blurred makes it seem as if every thing is happening in a blur. the long shot also helps with the showing the background and expressing the shock in the policeman.

The Medium close up (MCU) helps to establish his emotion and helps the audience understand the situation. also it helps set a certain tone without the character even speaking. the use of tilt camera movement shows that he is mildly disorientated and makes the audience feel as if they are in his situation.              

Fruit bowl task

Fruit bowl task

My fruit bowl was based of an expensive pallet below. the background is dollars representing the money aspect. the main overall colour was rich red and and light blue underneath is my colur pallet which captures the element of expensive my.

Learner response

                                 Learner response


WWW: You are one of few students who mention the social class of the programme's audience...well done.

EBI: You had a wider range of possible motives for putting the news stories in a certain order.

LR: Do some research to discover what political leanings certain news broadcasters have and how it might influence the order of programmes.

Mr Matthews,

LR:  The political leanings of certain broadcasters like the BBC affect the way they report on political issues like elections or conflicts between countries. The way it may affect order of the programme is that it will run in favour of whatever political party the broadcaster is in favour of. Channel 4 is consider to be a less bias broadcaster compared to BBC.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Media Analysis-Lynx Advert

Media analysis: lynx advert 

The immediate convention of the language in the slogan “The cleaner you are the dirtier you get” shows that the language used appeals to young male adults in between 14-25.
The synergy between the slogan and the picture is that the lady is near a shower associated with cleanliness and how lynx is used. Also the way her bikini is detached portrays the dirty. Lynx has specifically chosen the pretty female to star in the advert as it suggest that lynx can get you females, in addition the way that that she is glaring at the camera in a seductive and is standing next to the slogan this creates the image in the audience that the woman is saying the slogan.
The major organisation behind Lynx is Unilever is an Anglo–Dutch multinational consumer goods company. The organisation has no major competition as like Coca-Cola it owns most of the brands in its category. This advert is not really to stand out from the competition but to entertain audience.
The target audience is mainly young males between the ages of 15-25. Lynx specifically will be looking to target other deodorant brands like sure or more top of the line perfumes like Hugo boss and through this advert. As Lynx is quite a cheap commodity it appeals to lower and middle class people.
The representation of females makes them classed as pretty and maybe undignified. However this is purposely done by the company to attract more males to the product as they are young and most likely not married things like this may entice them. The way Lynx is represented is as very bold and outstanding that it can change women’s perception of you the female. In addition the whole advert is shown as a more masculine product and quite amusing. Finnaly,the humour of this advert may cause doubts to audience but portrays the product as fun loving and intresting,the dark humour may count more for the target audience because of their age.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

TV news research


 1) The key information about the programme:
  • Channel 4 UK
  • Throughout the week between 6 and 7 pm
  • Jon Snow, Krishnan Guru-Murthy and Cathy Newman
  • between 650,00 and 700,000 views a year
  • international emmy award for news 2002 and 2013,British academy television award for best news coverage 1997 and 1993


A-Level students: teenage optimism vs. hard truth | Channel 4 News

2) The institution behind the programme – this is usually the TV channel it is broadcast on.                                                                                                    
  • Channel 4 news was launched on November 2nd 1982
  • Channel 4 is a publicly owned commercially funded broad cast service
  • The channel is famous for showing shows such as, Big brother, Educating Yorkshire and One born every minute
  • Channel 4 won a fierce bidding war to air The Simpsons in 2002, with a deal worth £70,000 per episode
2) The target audience –if you can’t find the official target audience for the programme, make an educated guess based on the rest of your research. Remember: % gender, age range, social class, level of education. Job/earnings etc.
 This programmes target audience ranges from 16 years to over 55 years old. With the majority being those over 55.
        The programmes target audience according to social class range from upper class to unskilled, channel 4 news viewers are mainly upper class.
The programmes target audience is both male and female. Channel 4 news viewers are mainly Females

Through all of the data I can gather that Channel 4 news target audience are 55+ upper class females

4) The running order for three separate editions of the programme. Watch at least 20 minutes of the programme on three separate days.
·       Day 1 
1.     Israel and Palestine conflict. 
2.     MH17 victims’ bodies arrive in Netherlands.
3.     Metropolitan police spy on victims’ families.
4.     Commonwealth games ceremony.

I think that the editors put these stories in this particular order due to the information that and the most important.
·       Day 2
1.     Israel and Palestine conflict cause an American soldier to dies fighting for Israel.
2.     Metropolitan police deny spying on victims but admit to gathering information without the victims’ families’ knowledge on 18 different cases.
3.     Europe struggle to agree on sanctions for Russia.
4.     Barrack Obama declares urgent humanitarian situation in Mexico.

The editors this time around put the stories in order of most relevant and the ones with the information.
·       Day 4
1. Gaza conflict continues with no let-up of the attacks.
2. Britain’s economy is now bigger then it was at the beginning of the financial crisis.
3. Ed milliband says “If you want a politician from central casting, vote for the other guys.
4. Global hunt for Vladimir Putin’s daughters continues in surrey.

The editors arranged the stories in order of the most popular and breaking news to the stories with less relevance and information.

Thank you for reading my blog